Our Annual Winter Sale starts this Friday!
Markdowns on Everything! A great opportunity to shop exceptional deals on our beautiful lines of clothing, jewelry, and accessories! Our warehouse clearance rack are full of good oldies at rock bottoms prices. See Complete Newsletter >

Happy Holidays from Yazdi
Tis the season to celebrate the turning of the light! May we face the new year with determination and courage as we reflect on the Grace that surrounds and permeates all of life… Yazdi has made it through a most difficult, unimaginable year, thanks to you all of you who have remembered us and who […]

Saturday Special: 25% OFF on Our Holiday Clothing Collections!
This week’s Saturday special offers great discounts on our beautiful Holiday clothing lines! We have a number of very lovely pieces from 3 distinctively different labels that are on sale this week, in both missy & plus sizes. Liv is a soft mesh group that lends well to layering, a continuation of the ‘Comfy USA’ […]

Saturday Special: 25% OFF on Our Dairi Collection (plus sizes) & 25% OFF on Habitat continues…
This week’s Saturday special is offering great discounts on clothing for missy & plus sizes both: 25% OFF on Dairi, a one size plus line beautifully constructed from hand-woven, natural Moroccan cotton & rayon blends, and continuing our 25% OFF on all Habitat label pieces. We must also reiterate, given the recent, difficult news about […]

Saturday Special: 25% OFF on Our Beautiful Habitat Clothing Collection
Dear Customers! Kudos for surviving the week! In celebration of this accomplishment, we are offering our largest discount yet on our most popular clothing line, Habitat. This line is loved not only for it’s emphasis on natural fabrics, but also for its uniquely modern and highly wearable, comfortable styles. We are offering 25% OFF just […]

Saturday Special: 20% OFF on all Our Komil Tunics
This is a great line of Tunics in wonderful cotton prints! If you want a nice cozy Fall top, these pieces are a perfect weight in great styles. They are made in India by an American designer from Hawaii and are a fairly new collection for us. Do try to take advantage of a discount […]

Saturday Special: 20% OFF on Our Effie’s Heart Collection (Missy) & Our Dairi Collection (Plus)
This week’s Saturday special is offering something for everyone! We are having 20% OFF on 2 of our lines: Effie’s Heart, a great skirt and top line in missy sizes and Dairi, a ‘one size plus’ line beautifully constructed from hand-woven, natural Moroccan cotton & rayon blends. We have a full store of lovely things […]

Saturday Special: 20% OFF Habitat Clothing Collection
This week: 20% OFF on Our Beautiful Habitat Clothing Collection Starts this Saturday for 7 Days Only! This week’s special is the star of the show! Habitat Clothing is our most popular line and we have just processed the latest & last fall shipment. This line is really special, not only for it’s emphasis on […]

Saturday Special: 20% OFF All New Blue Sky Collection
A new line for Yazdi, Blue Sky offers Fair Trade clothing that is both beautiful and comfortable! This Canadian company uses only natural fibers that are washable & wearable, going back to the earth at the end of their long life. These are pieces that fit all shapes and sizes, from xs to 3x, in […]