Holiday Finery
Happy Holidays! We have a wonderful variety of new clothes for the holiday season.
Nally & Millie tops in gorgeous prints and cozy knit fabrics.
Mycra Pac Jackets that fit in their own purse, great for travel & rainy city days.
Flax Linen in Plus Sizes in warm dark fall colors.
Margaret Winters sweaters in missy & plus sizes are great for the season.
Cupcake Coats are ethnically inspired hand-woven coats from Thailand that can keep you warm throughout our Seattle winters. One of a kind!
Dairi Clothing in plus sizes is great fall wear, cozy North African rayon boucles in easy to wear styles.
Janska Coats we love. Made in Colorado these are quality and cuddly fleece jackets perfect for a cold winter.
Neon Buddha Jackets are one of a kind and we have them!
American Corner Dusters in silk velvets with matching scarves are great additions to holiday wear.
Shennel Scarf Jackets are a perennial favorite for dressing up with their beautiful cut silk velvet motifs.
Kleen Chenille Tops in plus sizes are lovely holiday wear.
Chalet Styles in missy & plus. Great separates for everyday wear in comfy bamboo modals and stripes.
Violet Kay is new for us and for the holidays. Rayon jacquard dresses & separates with colorful jackets & dusters in both missy & plus.
More Tianello! Always more arriving, especially in plus!
And last but not least, Accessories a plenty for the season!